Not for the faint-hearted! The what the fake! EXTREME PLUMPING LIP FILLER is the new secret weapon for visibly fuller lips – because it works even more intensively than the what the fake! PLUMPING LIP FILLER, which is already available in the standard range. Thanks to 0.3% chili extract (capsaicin), this extreme version creates an extra-hot tingling sensation on the lips. Hyaluronic acid and vitamin E nourish the lips to make them feel super smooth. The formula is free of alcohol, silicone, and oil and reacts to the natural pH value of the lips – this intensifies the natural lip color and provides a light tinting effect. In a consumer test, 94% confirmed a plumping effect and over 92% confirmed fuller-looking lips.*

essence what the fake! EXTREME PLUMPING LIP FILLER 4,2ml